The IFF OBA team attended the eight annual water Conference (AWAC 2020) organized by ATAWAS in collaboration with the Ministry of Water and Development Partners. This year, the theme was Innovative Financing Approaches of Water Projects to Uphold Middle Income Economy. The conference was held at St. Gasper Hotel and Conference Centre in Dodoma from 18th - 19th of November 2020. The IFF OBA Team Leader presented the IFF Programme and pointed out how the innovative financial approach of the IFF OBA programme supports Tanzanian UWASAs to improve water supply and sanitation service to their customers.
The Loan Acquisition for the MORUWASA IFF Water Supply Improvement project has been approved by the National Debt Management Committee meeting held on 19.08.2020. The approval letter has been sent to the Office of the Treasury Registrar. Upon receipt of the approval letter, MORUWASA will have to sign the IFF – OBA Grant Agreement and thereafter the final loan offer with TIB Development Bank.
The IFF OBA team, in cooperation with the representative from Ministry of Water (MOW) and the Ministry of Finance (MOFP), carried out a project verification visit to the Songea Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (SOUWASA) from 31.08.2020 to 02.09.2020. The visit aimed at the verification of output targets which include (i) installation of water supply distribution pipelines, (ii) connection of 450 Nr metered new customers, (iii) replacement of at least 350 faulty water meters in the existing distribution area and (iv) a collection efficiency of at least 90% within the entire service area. To date, a total of 522 new customers have been connected and 450 faulty meters have been replaced.
The revised Output-Based Grant Agreement for the Extension of Distribution Network and Water Supply Improvement Works Project in Singida town has been signed on 22.06.2020. The Singida UWASA is in its final stages of signing the loan agreement with TIB Development Bank. Thereafter, project implementation will start.
On 02.06.2020, the Shinyanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (SHUWASA) has signed the Output-Based Grant Agreement with the Ministry of Water (MoW) for the implementation of the Water Supply Network Extension and replacement of Water meters within Shinyanga Municipality project. On 6th of August 2020, the facility offer letter for the implementation of the project was signed by CRDB Bank and the Managing Director of SHUWASA.
The Output Based Grant Agreement between KUWASA and the Ministry of Water (MoW) for the Procurement of Sewage Exhauster Trucks for Sanitary Purposes in Kahama town has been signed on 23.06.2020. The tender for the procurement of trucks was advertised in the beginning of August 2020 and the loan for the project was negotiated with TIB Development Bank.
TANGA Urban Water and Sanitation Authority has submitted all required documents to the IFF-OBA Secretariat and two sets of documents were delivered to the Office of the Treasury Registrar in Dar Es Salaam on 08.04.2020. The Treasury Registrar will provide a recommendation for the implementation of the envisaged project to the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MOFP) that is based on an internal assessment of the utility’s financial performance.
On 03.04.2020 and on 16.04.2020, the IFF projects of Shinyanga UWASA and Kahama UWASA have been approved by the Technical Debt Management Committee and the National Debt Management Committees within the Ministry of Finance and Planning, respectively. After confirmation of the indicated loan term conditions with their preferred Tanzanian Bank, the IFF – OBA grant agreement will be compiled. It will provide the contractual basis for the disbursement of the IFF OBA subsidy that will be paionce the defined output targets will have beeen achieved.
The IFF-OBA team carried out a project field assessment in Moshi from 17th to 18th February 2020. The MUWSA service area has been extended and 13 Wards from Moshi District Council have been included. The previous service provider did not install water meters and monthly customer charges were based on flat rates. MUWSA wants to revise this situation and gradually install water meters to all flat rate customers. The IFF proposal therefore includes the installation of 2,900 water meters to customers within their newly extended service area.
The IFF Consultant conducted an interim visit from 28th – 30th October 2019. The aim of the visit was to assess the documentation of financial expenditure, to clarify some inconsistencies that occurred in the interim report and to assess the proposed shift of part of the project to a new area. The team visited the constructed network at Miembeni and held a meeting with local leaders of Namanyigu where the proposed network of about 4 km shall be laid and where approximately 200 customers shall be connected.
The interim project visit and the Consultants’ recommendations will assist the utility in streamlining the reporting and documentation of expenditure. This, in turn, will benefit the final project verification that is required for the approval of the grant disbursement.
The IFF-OBA team carried out a project field assessment from 16th to 17th October 2019. The team visited the ongoing WARIDI project at Ugwachanya, Tosamanga and Mawelewele areas which is grant financed by USAID. The project includes the construction of transmission and raising mains, sumps, pump houses and storage tanks.