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20. May 2021

The IFF-OBA team carried out a project field assessment from 17th to 19th May 2021. The team visited the Machinjioni Booster station, Ihungo storage tank 500m3, Nyanga spring and Nyanga storage tank 45m3, Kahororo storage tank 90m3 and Bulbata storage tank. The team also saw the Bugashani construction of two storage tanks (i) Bugashani Concrete ground storage tank of 500m3 which has been financed by MoW and supervised by BUWASA and (ii) the 90m3 raised storage tank that has been financed by RUWASA (Rural Water Supply Agency).

The Bukoba WSSA intends to extent their services to new customers in Buhembe, Nyanga, Kahororo, Nshambya and part of Nyakato areas where 32 km of distribution pipelines will be laid. A total of 1,600 customers will benefit from the project. In addition to that, 3,000 faulty water meters shall be replaced to reduce Non-Revenue Water (NRW). The team also held meetings with village Government leaders of Buhembe, Nyanga, Kahororo, Nshambya and Nyakato areas to assess the prevailing water supply situation and resident’s willingness to pay for the proposed water services