The IFF Consultant conducted an interim visit form 8th-10th of February 2021.The aim of the visit was to assess the documentation of financial expenditure, to clarify some inconsistencies that occured in the progress report and to assess the proposed new network extension areas at Mwalugoye, Bujinge, A&B and Kolandoto. The team visited the constructed network at Msekelo and held meetings with local leaders of Bujinge A&B and Mwakugoye where the new proposed network of about 6km shall be laid. The meeting was conducted to assess the prevailing situation and resident's willingness to pay for the proposed water services.
The interim project visit and the consultant recommendations will assist the utility in streamlining the reporting and documentation of expenditure.This , in turn, will benefit the final project verification that is required for the approval of the grant disbursement.