The IFF Consultant conducted an interim visit from 17th – 20th July 2023. The aim of the visit was to assess the documentation of financial expenditure, to clarify some inconsistencies that occurred in the interim report and to assess works progress on site. The team visited one of the eight boreholes, a pump procured under IFF OBA (250m3/hr capacity), the Mangamba treatment plant with the new rapid sand filter and the airport tank under construction (500 m3/hr capacity). The IFF Consultant also visited newly connected customers (domestic and kiosk) in Naliendele area and watched pipes excavation and fitting in Mbae Chundi area.
The interim project visit and the Consultants’ recommendations will assist the utility in streamlining the reporting and documentation of expenditure. This, in turn, will benefit the final project verification that is required for the approval of the grant disbursement.