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Tanga revenue collection improvement project for installation of smart prepaid water meters

Tanga Water Supply and Sanitation Authority is implementing the IFF project “Tanga Revenue Collection Improvement Project for Installation of Smart Prepaid Water Meters” The objective of the project is the installation of 4,000 smart prepaid water meters to 4,000 disconnected customers. The 4,000 customers will be reconnected (without reconnection fee) and make prepayments by mobile money. 40% of each transaction will be levied to pay back their debts and 60% available for their consumption (at Tanga WSSA’s regulated water tariffs). This project is therefore benefit both Tanga WSSA and the 4,000 disconnected customers.
 The project includes the following key components:
•    Procurement and importation of 4,000 smart prepaid water meters with associated soft-ware. 
•    Installation of 4,000 smart prepaid water meters (including fittings when meters realloca-tions are necessary) and 4 radio (LoRaWAN) antennas for meters communication
•    Smart prepaid water meters operation and data analytics monitoring 

The financial figures of the Project are summarized in the below data sheet;