Improvement of Water Infrastructure in Bukoba Town Zone
Bukoba Water Supply and Sanitation Authority is implementing the IFF project “Improvement of Water Infrastructure in Bukoba Town Zone”. The proposed areas for the IFF project comprise Miembeni, Bankango and Kagondo areas. The objective of the project is to reduce physical and commercial losses in Town Zone area and therefore to reduce Operation and Maintenance costs. The proposed project includes the following key components:
• Replacement of the old Cast Iron pipe with an UPVC pipe (145km)
• Reallocation of customer connections outside of residential properties
• Replacement of 5,000 domestic water meters
• Division of Town zone into (7) DMAs and procurement of (15) bulk water meters with (14) data loggers to monitor consumption daily at the inlets and outlets.
• Procurement of (5) ultrasound leak detectors and (1) portable ultrasonic flow meter and team training to detect and repair leaks.
The financial figures of the Project are summarized in the below data sheet;