Mang’ana Spring Source Water Supply Project
The Moshi Urban Water and Sanitation Authority implemented the Mang’ana Spring Source Water Supply Project that aimed at improving the Water Supply and sanitation in their existing network and serve new areas such as URU North, URU South and other parts of Moshi Manicipality. A total of 1,870 customers have been connected and receive reliable Water Supply as of January 2019. The project comprises four main components:
• Construction of intake at Mang’ana source and gravity main at a length of at least 1KM
• Construction of transmission main to uncovered areas of Moshi Rural by at least 8KM and distribution branch lines of at least 7KM.
• Additional billing of not less than 1,000 new customers in the proposed new supply areas.
• Collection efficiency of not less than 90% within the entire service area of MUWSA.
The main financial figures of the project are summarized in the below data sheet: