The IFF-OBA team carried out a project field assessment from 22nd to 24th September, 2021. The team visited the existing boreholes, storage tanks and booster station at Mtawanya, Mangamba treatment plant, Mbuo source (boreholes), Hiari storage tank and Mchuchu source where the water blending will take place. The team also visited Chiko/Lilungu disposal site.
The Mtwara WSSA intends to extend their services to new customers in Mbae, Msijute, Mkundi, Tandika and Mjimwema areas, in which the distribution pipelines will be laid. Approximately 2,000 customers will benefit from this project. During the assessment the team also held meetings with Village Government Leaders from Mbae Mashariki, Mjimwema, Mkundi and Tandika areas to assess the prevailing situation and resident’s willingness to pay for the proposed water services.