The IFF-OBA team carried out a project proposal field assessment in Moshi from 23rd to 24th May 2017. The assessment included visits to the project area, specifically to the Mang’ana intake in the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and to the locations of the proposed storage tanks. Meetings were conducted with Village Government leaders of Uru North and South and Newland / Mvuleni to assess the resident’s level of support and willingness to pay for this water supply project.
The proposed project intends to improve the water supply services for the existing customer base of Moshi UWASA and extend the distribution network to uncovered service areas.
Project Scope
Total Project costs TSH. 2,655,824,623.73
Financing Mix Loan: TSH 1,000,000,000 (37.65%)
Equity: TSH 1,655,824,623.73 (62.35%)
Proposed Output Targets (to be achieved after 12 months) Construction of intake at Mangana source and gravity main not exceeding 1 Km, transmission main to uncovered areas of Moshi Rural by at least 8 Km and distribution branch pipe lines of at least 7.7 Km, Connection of not less than 1000 new consumers in the proposed new supply areas and maintain overall collection efficiency of not less than 90% within the entire service area of MUWSA
No. of beneficiaries 9,000 people of Uru North and Uru South Wards, 3500 people of Newland and about 25,000 people of the existing area