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Project assessment visit to Sumbawanga- UWASA

04. Jul 2017

{jcomments off}The IFF-OBA team carried out a project proposal field assessment from 29th to 31st May 2017. The team visited the proposed project areas in Eden, Katuma as well as 3 out of 19 existing and new boreholes which were constructed in the context of the Seven Towns Urban Upgrading Programme.

The team held a meeting with Village Government leaders of Eden, Katuma, Katusa, Mafulala, Mhama, Kaloleni, Kisiwani, Kasisiwe, Sokolo and Majumbasita areas to assess the resident’s willingness to pay for the proposed project services. The proposed project intends to extend the distribution network to uncovered service areas of Sumbawanga UWASA.

Way forward: The utility was advised to revise their proposal, particularly with regard to the anticipated number of customers, revenue collection and their equity contribution which is mandatory for the participation in the IFF – OBA Programme.